By Anonymous - 13/07/2013 21:39 - United States - Salinas

Today, my girlfriend of over four years cheated on me in revenge for me abandoning our date last night. I'm a surgeon on call at the local hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 828
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd cry. What a bitch. She'll regret it when she never finds better.

It's probably best you two split off, OP, unless you two want to try to work things out. Just saying that no one deserves such bad treatment like that. Sorry for what happened!


AboveAll04 14

the question is what would you do if you were supposed to perform surgery on her !?!?! dunnn dunn dun !

Wow. That's terrible! If she thinks you deserve "revenge" for that, you are better off without her.

PRItalian 4

That's just an excuse to justify that she's been cheating for a long while. Run!!

That's the worst excuse ever. Of course she didn't cheat on you for that. She just didn't know how what to say. Dump her

I bet that cut you up, huh? Hope it doesn't take long to stitch your heart back up. In all seriousness though, my sympathies. That really sucks.

AboveAll04 14

how many other comments is the going to be about my spelling error ?

Drop her OP if she's too stupid to realize that sometimes things have to be canceled for your work schedule and will cheat on you for it you can do better

you dont want to be with someone with that kind of horrible reasoning/logic. at least you aren't married to that crappy girl cause in cali even though she cheated they would still give her half your stuff

grashopper8 7

She's gross. Good thing she wasn't your wife before you found out who she really was.

Being a surgeon; the least you could do is attract a loyal gold digger, as opposed to a disloyal one. I usually don't tell people to break up here, but yeah. You're better off without her.