By Anonymous - 16/01/2016 05:04 - United States - Placentia

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for another guy by text. I felt so betrayed, I stupidly tried to hurt her by replying that I'd been cheating on her all along with a hot babe. Turned out the dumping text was actually a prank by her friend. Now I'm single and everyone thinks I'm a cheater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 960
You deserved it 29 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't have thought that's the sort of reputation you'd want to give yourself even if your now-ex-girlfriend really did break up with you...


Well, at least you realized it was a mistake. Maybe next time you'll think twice.

Yeah it was pretty dumb of you to do that. But who the hell dumps someone as a prank? How is that funny? Getting a bit tired of people doing/saying dumb shit and then say it's "just a prank, bro" as an excuse.

Far as I'm concerned, she did the same exact thing he did. Just because she was able to say it was a prank before he did doesn't make it so he deserved it. Both parties are at fault, though.

He kind of does deserve it, though. He did a very selfish, thoughtless thing with malicious intent. I'd say that warrants a YDI in his case.

cheshireau 26

But how was the prank even funny? Oh let's see your BFs loyalty, let's send him a your dumped for someone else text?

Sorry your now ex-gf pulled a cunty prank like that, but you reacted poorly. YLS, YDI

sylvienoir 18

It was his gf's friend not his gf

His girlfriend was involved. She took part in it. So yeah, it was her.

@ 37 - How do you know his girlfriend was involved in it? Her friend could have taken her phone without her knowing.

Fair point, I suppose. The wording of the FML made it seem as though it were clear, but maybe that was a misunderstanding on my part.

This is why you should always be the bigger person and hold on to your dignity

What was she expecting from that text you received? You to say "okay"? People handle situations differently, and that specific situation where she tells you she is cheating on you really brings out a lot of strong feelings. Like you would have known it was a prank. That is why pranks are retarded. If she can't trust you, **** her.

sylvienoir 18

#28 I completely agree with you. You don't pull a "prank" on your boyfriend, or girlfriend, like that. Saying that he was cheating on her was lousy, unthought through and instinctive but it's a comprehensible reaction to say something that would also affect the other in the same way. As for the other reply, I'm sure it was OP's girlfriend AND her friend together who pulled this stupid "prank".

And what, his gf didn't know the "friend" sent that. There is proof on both phones.

dude it sucks, same thing happened to me last week, girl parnked me saying she was cheating but i knew it was a prank so i said i was cheating too. she broke up w me also. i posted an FML about it but it wasn't published. so sorry dude.

Both YDI and FYL. You did start to self-destruct, rather than to just cut your "girlfriend" out of your life. FYL because your ex's friend was cruel snd if your ex was in on it then she didn't deserve you.

Who are you calling an imbecile with that haircut?