By lalala_hahaha - 23/09/2010 23:18 - France

Today, I had some girlfriends over, while my parents were having a party at our house. My drunken dad decided to come down to the basement and show us all his third nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 939
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't show them his second head :|


stephanie0613 0

your dad has a third nipple! gross.

bosskidz20 2

what the buck? third nipples? some girlfriends?

tweetbaby14 18

YDI for using a word to mean female friends that hasn't been used by many in over a year. and ew third nipple tell him to use windex; the Greeks use it on everything else and they're just fine.

moonmask 0
mcme 0

illustrated FML version of this please?

smileyxo4 5

Does it open the delivery entrance to the magical land of Narnia?! Friends..? Anyone..? Chandler..? No..? Okay.

75 - you're awesome, i was looking for a chandler reference!

jkgfdxb 0

hahahahaha this made me lauph so hard. your dad seems pretty cool.

ADL8 0