By RingAroundThe..SPLAT - 16/05/2012 04:10 - United States - Washington

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she was scared that she was more in love with me than I was in her, and that she was afraid I would leave her. So she left me instead. I'd been thinking about proposing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 953
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh nooooooo go after her with the ring!!

Don't sit around on the internet - go win her back!! If you're both that crazy about each other, it shouldn't be hard.


Either a) she actually meant that and you should run after her or b) she said that just to break up with you and not sound like a bitch.

You realize that's probably just a BS excuse, right?

I knew a woman that did this to trick the guy into proposing. It worked, too.

That's a huge cop-out. You are better off.