By fingwhore - 27/07/2014 17:12 - United States - Greensboro

Today, my girlfriend came back from camping with her friends. I say "friends", I mean "friend". And when I say "friend", I mean "her ex". I took a look through her bag afterwards, and well, who knew condoms were considered camping equipment these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 555
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP that sucks. There is someone better than her for you


And when I say girlfriend, I mean my ex :/

I hope you meant to write now ex girlfriend

still waiting for a brokeback mountain reference

HammyBear13 8

Brokeback Mountain was about two men dumbass. This is a woman and her ex, not two men. What smart, intelligent person would make a Brokeback Mountain ref on this?

Well, a condom can hold about a liter of water, so it's pretty useful In a pinch!

" a condom can hold a pint of water" please.... I bet you didn't know that info before and just copied and pasted it from the first poster who mentioned it.

Sweet_Visions 13

Dump her ass and tell her ex you can have my used toy. That's pretty messed up by her. She broke your guys's bond.

Shouldn't of let her go. I'm not that guy that thinks he has the right to order his gf around, but c'mon. You can't go camping alone with an ex. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Sure, if OP had known that it was her ex she was "camping" with then you'd have a valid point, but from the way this was worded, he thought she was camping with a group of friends.

Sorry she did that to ya. Kick her ass to the curb, it's obvious that she's not over her ex yet.

And by 'girlfriend' I hope you mean 'ex-girlfriend'