By Anonymous - 10/11/2015 06:29 - United States - Du Bois

Today, my girlfriend and I were talking about the difference between the U.S. and Canada when she asked me if they have their own government. She wasn't sure if they were governed by the U.S. or if they didn't have a government at all. She's a 33-year-old college graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 555
You deserved it 2 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They don't have a government at all. It's up to the citizens to print their own colorful money and make up arbitrary laws on the spot. If two citizens have conflicting laws, they fight to the death, and depending on the victor's subjective laws, they then might have to imprison them self.

Maybe she though we were all one country called the U.S of Eh


Thats funny because everyone in Canada says "eh"!!

You're not the whole population of Canada though. Or maybe you are. I don't know you're life. But seriously, some cities say it a lot and some don't ever say it. Where I live, people only say it when saying "I know, eh?"

I never said I was representative of every Canadian, just responding to the words "everyone in Canada".

Well it's a shame nobody through school taught that to her! I guess you could use your leverage in the matter to corrupt her information for a laugh. Or, inform her correctly. Good luck!

its common sense that a country has its own form of government

1jordan1 11

there are a few countries with little to no government. she's not an idiot for not being aware of a country that people hardly ever talk about. they don't teach you anything about Canada in school, and if they do, it's very little information.

They don't have a government at all. It's up to the citizens to print their own colorful money and make up arbitrary laws on the spot. If two citizens have conflicting laws, they fight to the death, and depending on the victor's subjective laws, they then might have to imprison them self.

It's Trudeau! ... See when I did there?

It's Trudeau jokes still crack me up, no matter how many times I hear them.

This is way better than what we actually have as government ?

Jellysweetheart 23

As a Canadian, I must confirm. This is in fact how we run things.

There is a subsection of this, however, that will allow us to have our pet moose champion the fight for us.

we also ride polar bears and moose when we charge into battle and raid other people's igloos of all their animal fur

We did it, guys. We got Dommon's approval. This will be incredibly helpful going forward.

Wizardo 33

I was under the impression Canada was governed by the moose with the strongest antlers in the land.

chrisbeaudoin 26

That's not entirely true, our prime minister is the beaver, the moose was close to getting elected buy you know how politics are, but anyways we've got out monopoly money and we are happy with it. Canada is just amazing you should come for a visit. Eh (we don't actually say eh that much)

Sofiaumana108 8

No. But we do have a hot prime minister

What was her major in college , cosmology ? Boy you sure have a sharp one on your hands, ha ha ha

Cosmology? She knows nothing of government because her thoughts are out of this world.

Don't worry, with numerous examples like that of OP's gf, most Canadians don't take Americans seriously.

Sad but not uncommon these days. With all the technology available to us which should expand our knowledge many people are more caught up in their own little world. And schools are too concerned with teaching to the test and teaching technology they leave out the basics.