By isabellam0426 - 02/11/2016 02:55

Today, while teaching my history class, a girl asked me where North America was. She lives in North America. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 623
You deserved it 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have just told her Canada. And Alaska is Cold America while Hawaii is Hot America.

Sounds like she doesn't have much up north.


Should have just told her Canada. And Alaska is Cold America while Hawaii is Hot America.

Sounds like she doesn't have much up north.

Once a guy told me that isn't Germany next to Texas, and said that isn't far at all cuz I told him I have been to Germany. So no surprise when she asked you where is North America. I feel your pain.

I'm honestly hoping she was kidding. But knowing how and uninformed some of the younger generation is, I wouldn't be surprised at all. People still don't know that Africa is not a country.

Did she follow up by asking if she's going to have to pay to build the wall between North America and President Trump's America?

It's a little bit higher up than South America.

icekingz 7

Lol at people hitting the "that could have happened to me" button, I would sure hope not.

Someone once asked me where in Paris England was. It's surprisingly easy to get through life with no geographical awareness.