By omgstuupidd - 17/02/2013 14:27 - United States - Brewster

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to take a jog in an area we never been before. We then got lost. She actually thought that the tattoo on her arm of an open compass with north, east, south, and west would help us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 482
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she have a bottle of water tattooed as well for emergency use?

I think your girlfriend needs mental exercise more then physical exercise...


starburst7596 14

Maybe she should get a brain tattooed in we arm.

Dont mean to be "that guy" but you Actually could have tracked the sun figured out your orientation and used it to help find your way back... She just has more bush skills than you do

I say this quite often on FML, but please don't breed with her. There are enough stupid people on this planet.

Since we never get the full story on these I'm gonna hope and pray that your GF was just joking around. Despite the fact that I personally know people who are THAT dumb....* sigh* human race is doomed.

It would help if u use it with the sun

this is why city folks shouldn't come out to the country

icepick23 12

Who cares, as long as she is hot?

jarockstar27 10

Who gets a compass tattoo?! And also she maybe fit but not bright....