By Sam - 01/02/2010 05:45 - United States

Today, my friend was showing me pictures of her and her family. I told her to stop at one of the pictures. I started laughing my back off and said that she looked grotesque. She asked me if I was serious, I swore that I was. It was actually a picture of her sister, who died 1 year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 423
You deserved it 52 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilovepink07 0

Even if that was her in the picture, why would you call her ugly right in her face like that? Some friend you are.


when your looking at pics of people you don't know it's best not to say anything. if you suddenly start laughing inappropriately then you should excuse yourself and say you can't stop thinking about the darn family guy episode from last night.

LMBO (laughing my back off) that is so funny. Maybe I should RORL (rolling on roof laughing) more often.

Why would that have been OK to say anyway? Idiot.

Pointless101 0

Why don't you ask who it is next time dumbass

christa953 12

I agree 23. u deserved it for laughing at the pic, but who says laugh my back off???