By One less friend... - 17/05/2018 13:00 - United States - Schnecksville

Today, thinking my ex-gothic friend was going through another "wear all black" phase, I walked up to her and jokingly asked who died. Her father. Her father died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 781
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You couldn't have known. She used to be a goth and wear all black, so not a horrible question to ask, just unfortunate timing.

To be fair, that’s the last answer I’d expect. And she certainly could have been going through an all-black phase if necessary for herself.


To be fair, that’s the last answer I’d expect. And she certainly could have been going through an all-black phase if necessary for herself.

You couldn't have known. She used to be a goth and wear all black, so not a horrible question to ask, just unfortunate timing.

Tell her you learned that joke from the White House staffer who mocked John McCain. It’s an offshoot of alt-comedy that probably isn’t going anywhere,

I want to say YDI until I remembered that I am the person who posted on someones facebook if they were still alive.... they were not.

I thought that people that are amused by asking people in black "Who died?" died out. I guess I was wrong.

Your friend had a 12th-16th century architecture phase? I bet her buttress was flying!

YDI. People love to **** all over emos or goths, and not realize WHY they dress like that. For some it's not just a fashion sense, or phase. Some have legitimate mental illness like depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc and it's a way of coping or expressing themself. Dark colors to match their emotions and thoughts. Glad to see karma finally getting around to this issue.

Two prejudices for the price of one!