By TheMommas - 06/11/2013 16:33 - United States - Dallas

Today, my five-year-old stepson announced that he is finally no longer scared of flushing toilets. Immediately after, I discovered that he's now decided that he's scared of the bathroom sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 009
You deserved it 3 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's 5.. Give him a break.. I bet the things I used to conjure up in my head were way scarier and definitely more ridiculous!

Pancakes017 19

Hand sanitizer. At least until he gets over it.


Awh he will over come it. Just try to convince him monsters aren't real

I was only scared to go to the bathroom alone because once a sidewinder came out of the wall. I wasn't afraid of the noises or drains, except after I saw “It", then I was only afraid off the shower drain.

Espolax 8

Well at least he lost one phobia before gaining another

Common he is still 5.. at five we all were scared of stupid things.. give him time and be patience...

Terri_Dactal 13

When I was 5 I was afraid of the toilet after watching the Spice Girls Movie due to the creepy man coming out of the toilet. I wouldn't go to the toilet without someone with me and the door open. Really at his age this kind of fear is normal and he should grow out of it. For most kids a sympathetic ear is all they need to let them know their concern matters to you. Then you can talk then through it :)

tehdarkness 21

Kids are so annoying! Discipline is the only way to teach them. Take the time to teach him about germs.

Mackay92 14

Don't tell him about the monsters under the bed and in the closet

I used to have nightmares about being flushed down the toilet when I was really young, even though I knew that wasn't possible.

maybe he can use the kitchen sink? I have a very bad fear of toilets I flush then run across the house..