By badsinger - 04/06/2010 09:38 - New Zealand

Today, my fiancée told me she was having a bad day while we were lying in bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep I thought it would be sweet if I sang her a song that her Mom sang to her when she was a child. Instead, I was told to shut the fuck up and that I sucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 069
You deserved it 15 536

Same thing different taste


Neybay 0

*ings* 'the sun will come out ... tomorrow ... bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow... etc etc' ;) Next this happens I would take her 'shut up' to mean sing louder , non stop... and if you can a hold of one.. through a megaphone :P

Lol I can't believe some people actually say you should dump her for that :)) The girl had a bad day, you said that yourself. She just wanted some rest. And maybe you did suck. And maybe you use the "f" word often in your conversations. Anyway, it doesn't mean she doesn't love you. And she probably knows you had good intentions.

RedPillSucks 31

Clearly you misunderstood "suck", so get too it. Girls like nothing better than an orgasmic wakeup after a crappy day.

winslow310560 0

that proves that paying attention to their feelings and caring never gets any appreciation so just ignor them you wouldn't be any worse off.

Just 'cause she is having a bad day does not make it ok to sh*t on someone who truly cares for her and makes the effort to show it.

patsonhn 0

obviously her mom made her day bad

lol thats comedy at its best-- and OP you should take the hint that you suck at singing