By dBLIZZARD - 05/11/2015 03:32 - United States

Today, my fiancée thought that lowering the volume on her phone would lower the amount of data being used by her streaming songs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 775
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lat187 18

I just picture her shouting "I can't HEAR youuuuu" when you are trying to tell her what the bill is.


Definitely, the more people who hear her music, the more data she'll use.

She should totally download some FREE data! I started downloading it a year ago and I've paid NOTHING for my data since! Message me for more details about this AMAZING opportunity!!1!

#39 where's the link? You're suppose to have a link when you offer free data. I don't know how to download my data absolutely free of charge!

You can download free data at For verification please provide name, address, email, credit card information, social security number, and common passwords

*coughs* oh sorry... i think im choking on your self promo ..

Makes sense, I'd rather have music that I can't hear for a longer time than actually use the data that I do have for something useful

ratman775 27

It may save battery, But it has nothing to do with data.

3 was trying to say how idiotic her logic sounds

I don't understand how people can't get sarcasm in this site.

Apparently so, then why are we charged for text messages we can't hear them either

You get charged less if you type without caps or punctuation.

*blinks* Does she apply the same logic with the TV and use of electricity?

well actually if you lower the volume, the TV will use less electricity.. but the change in price is unmeasureable

well actually if you lower the volume, the TV will use less electricity.. but the change in price is unmeasureable

lat187 18

I just picture her shouting "I can't HEAR youuuuu" when you are trying to tell her what the bill is.

That doesn't work? Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that.

Far too many people don't understand technology, but don't want to be made fun of for it. So instead of asking someone who would know (or googling it themselves), they apply logic to their limited knowledge. Which can lead to someone wondering why "light" sour cream weighs the same as the regular.

Also, I think that sometimes they do ask, but they're asking a jerk who gives them false info just for the laughs. It sounds to me like someone told her this and she believed it. I can't see her just coming up with that logic all on her own. But I can definitely see some guy laughing like crazy at the thought of her going around "saving data."