By oh my fucking god - 10/07/2014 13:34 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my fiancée has been saying, "Shit's gone cray-cray" for over a week. I finally snapped. When I was done ranting, she murmured, "Baby, don't be cray-cray". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 230
You deserved it 9 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife" "Hell no. She's cray-cray!!"


She's right. Ranting is immature, and a good spouse doesn't blow up over little stuff.

I started saying this, Just to annoy my boyfriend.

I can't decide what's stupider, cray-cray or yolo.

I laughed a little harder than I should have.