By noonotme - 05/09/2010 21:51 - United States

Today, my father told me to stop purposely singing out of tune because it was annoying. I wasn't doing it on purpose; it's my real voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 464
You deserved it 6 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HEY... YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE. Go apply for a Disney channel show.. ;) You'd fit right in...

JillianlikesVogu 0


MjsBabyAngel 0

aww OP its ok . you cant be good and everything. and when i sing, people say i sound like mariah mixed with celine dion and alicia keys. o_O lol

alsnyder12 0
Clutzs 5

i have a lisp and a HORRIBLY out of tune voice, just dont be a singer, it solves everything

latinmustanggirl 0

its not the voice thats out of tune. but the mind controlling the voice