By suze44 - 13/06/2011 14:22 - United States

Today, my father decided to "prepare" me for the real world by telling me that I'm ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 825
You deserved it 5 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him "Well I guess it runs in the family then, huh?"

Oh my god! What a dick! Where does he think you "got it" from!!


how could anyone say ydi? I get called ugly all the time by people and I know how much it hurts

You are definitely not ready for the real world. They are people out there that are ruder than that to your face.

hateevryone 14

that is so cruel of your father. i know how you feel honey. i been there

ifrigginheartyou 8

Well if ur ugly its his fault...his genes or ur moms messed u up

The truth hurts OP. He's just trying to help.