By drunkinriot - 03/07/2011 23:04 - United States

Today, my drunk brother thought I could withstand a metal chair being slammed across my back like on the wrestling shows. I guess he didn't know that the shows are fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 273
You deserved it 3 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shit that sucks. I'm sorry, what an idiot

GuidoCheese 0

Oh hell yes! I used to think the shows were real back then so I tried to imitate some of the moves. Two broken arms, a broken rib, and a broken finger later, I began to suspect something was up.


chairs are real,not the punches and kicks

bigtaytay 13

staged, not fake. if it was fake it would not have hurt u

smileyysss 0

you should hit his head to see if it's hollow.

haha suck to be you. oh ya and the wrestlers do get hurt. the break bones, get concussions and once someone died!

PrestonG95 7

Actually I know a wrestler, he said when they get hit with the chairs and ladders, it's real.

Piss in his liquor, just make sure not to join him for shots. But on the real what a moron that guy!

ambeeelove 0