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By DumbNotDeaf - 01/02/2022 02:00

Today, my friends tried to set me up with another nice, quiet girl. My type are girls who can do their own oil change. I'm mute and tired of people assuming I'm either the nice quiet guy or a complete jerk who won't talk to anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 128
You deserved it 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Have you tried letting your friends know your type, or at least that just because you’re quiet that doesn’t mean you’re into quiet girls?

Andrea Remer 8

You're an adult,communicate to your friends about this.....& if u have then drop them because they obviously aren't listening.


Sounds like they should set you up with a non-stop talker. One who can change her own oil, because you're into that.

Marcella1016 31

Have you tried letting your friends know your type, or at least that just because you’re quiet that doesn’t mean you’re into quiet girls?

Andrea Remer 8

You're an adult,communicate to your friends about this.....& if u have then drop them because they obviously aren't listening.

homehints1001 7

Its looking like you are the latter in this situation to this date.