It's all fun and games until…

By this generation sucks! - 14/07/2022 22:00

Today, I've now had to fire three employees this month alone. Why? Two were caught making TikToks while on the clock, “joking” about stealing customers’ credit card info, and the third posted a video of herself in a street fight while wearing her uniform. It should hurt to be this damn stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 218
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

I’d make a joke that you could turn the place into an MMA ring, but after doing video and interacting with fighters, it’s better to stay with you current line of work. Seen too many broken bones and missing teeth..

maybe pay more and you'll get more quality people


maybe pay more and you'll get more quality people

tiptoppc 19

I’d make a joke that you could turn the place into an MMA ring, but after doing video and interacting with fighters, it’s better to stay with you current line of work. Seen too many broken bones and missing teeth..