No imagination

By why? - 17/08/2020 14:02

Today, I found out from my first cousin whose teenage daughter is pregnant that she has chosen to name her child after mine. I would be okay with this, if it weren’t the same first name, and if they weren’t just a couple of years apart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 067
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't mind the baby being named after your child... except that the baby will thus be given the same name as your child. My headache is worse. Must get off the Internet now.

I'm impressed you got the correct cousin terminology, pretty sure most people don't know how it's actually determined.


They're going to be second cousins, once removed, so what does it matter if they have same name? Just call the new kid "Beyoncé 2," or "Little Beyoncé."

I'm impressed you got the correct cousin terminology, pretty sure most people don't know how it's actually determined.

You don't mind the baby being named after your child... except that the baby will thus be given the same name as your child. My headache is worse. Must get off the Internet now.

PenguinPal3017 19

I came here looking for answers! The words, what do they mean?

thats how I ended up not being named Kimberly. that's my oldest cousins name so it'd awkward to have 2 first cousins (25 years apart might I add) named Kimberly

This is a silly thing to be upset about

gimpy_girl 10

To have two cousins a few years apart with the same first name? I disagree. It’s awkward

My mother’s best friend named her second kid the same as my younger sister. They’re a few years apart, she swears she didn’t learn if the name from my mom. It’s a rather uncommon name.

TBH, it's not really any of your business.

gimpy_girl 10

Yes it is! We are together ever f’ng holiday