By Sid - 10/04/2011 00:58 - United States

Today, my dog was barking at a squirrel in the yard. I opened the door to let him chase the squirrel. I went to look at the dead squirrel and found out it was the neighbor's chihuahua. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 696
You deserved it 41 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chihuahuas don't really look like squirrels. Giant demon rats, on the other hand...


LukeNukem_fml 3

OP is well and truly, a heartless bastard.

I'm not a huge fan of little dogs. They shit me. BUT I would hate to see someone's pet get killed! They love it, I don't have to. I also hate the thought of a squirrel getting torn apart. WTF OP?! You must have been having an uber-asshole moment when you decided to unleash your killer dog on a 'squirrel'. Maybe stop the vampire/werewolf TV shows and horor movies? I'm sure you're better than this moment of poor judgement suggests.

oh chihuahuas and squirrels, i like totally confuse them all the time too!

varkey 7

My long comment got "lost in cyberspace" Anyway, what I wanted to say was that if you know your dog can kill other animals, you shouldn't let it out, and even if it usually doesn't you should always check to make sure it is a squirrel your dog is barking at and not a human, like the pool guy, or a struggling baby bird which it could kill, or a neighbor's dog or cat like it happened to be. However, this isn't directly OP's fault as many people have doggie doors for when they need to leave their dog home alone for a few hours, and had OP's dog gone out of one the responses would have certainly been mostly FYL.

I’m pretty sure that most dogs have the ability to kill unless they’re some weird mutant dogs that act like people and talk...

maybe they should keep their dog in their own yard...

G6chick 0

why would u let him chase a squriel in the first place!?!? ass hole!

why the hell would you let your dog chase a squirrel let alone a chihuaha!?

riceguy 1

to all the people whos calling the OP heartless... obviously he didnt mean to KILL whatever animal was in the yard if so, why would he FML it