By spaz - 14/03/2011 01:49 - United States

Today, my dog started barking very aggressively. Thinking she'd started another gruesome fight with my older dog, I jumped up from the couch, spilling my coffee all over my laptop and dress, and knocked over a vase my grandmother gave me. She was barking at her own shadow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 907
You deserved it 13 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kenshinjapan 2

It sounds like someone's sleeping outside tonight!

That was the dog's plan. And it worked.


ImmortalKratos 0

dogs are replaceable too you know. she should have just let them tear each other apart and keep the victor. survival if the fittest!

Hey, it's a dog eat dog world.. Sorry I had to D:

That was the dog's plan. And it worked.

Next time just throw the coffee at the dog.

smileeee_fml 0

hahaha that sucks ! kick the dog outta the house and into the backyard

You didn't hear two dogs barking, and she was only barking aggressively, not threateningly? YDI.... Use your brain for once!

DanielleTheOne 3

As if you can even tell the difference between "Agressively" and "Threateningly" in a dogs bark... And maybe OP thought only one dog was barking because the other one was busy destroying or being destroyed...

you didn't know? the one expert for every thing is here. bestowing his or her knowledge unto our pathetic minds and blessing us with his power to know.

Aggression is being threatening. You need to know the difference between an AGGRESSIVE dog and a FREAKED OUT dog.

haha this sounds like something my dog would do xD

cptmorgan15 2