By BiteMe - 30/08/2016 23:29 - United States - Upper Marlboro

Today, my dentist told me I have a cavity and blamed it on the "subpar" toothpaste I've been using - the same toothpaste he recommended six months ago at my last appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 281
You deserved it 1 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PBplusJ 12

"Well my 'subpar' toothpaste was recommended by my 'subpar' dentist with a 'subpar' brain"

Ask for a new recommendation then immediately walk to another dentist and ask for a better recommendation stating the other guy has subpar ideas


I've had so many terrible experiences with scam dentists just trying to get a product out... sorry for your luck OP. better luck with the next one?

Dentists are a ******* joke. I brush every night, with toothpaste recommended by multiple dentists. They still bitch at me and then make fun of my disabled lifestyle that stops me from brushing three times a day. Thanks Dentists grade A service.

randybryant799 20

So did you tell him that? I would have spoken up.