By BiteMe - 30/08/2016 23:29 - United States - Upper Marlboro

Today, my dentist told me I have a cavity and blamed it on the "subpar" toothpaste I've been using - the same toothpaste he recommended six months ago at my last appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 288
You deserved it 1 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PBplusJ 12

"Well my 'subpar' toothpaste was recommended by my 'subpar' dentist with a 'subpar' brain"

Ask for a new recommendation then immediately walk to another dentist and ask for a better recommendation stating the other guy has subpar ideas


If I were you, I would fight tooth and nail for some compensation. You need to get the tooth out about this dentist.

OP just needs to tell his dentist the tooth.

idk about suing but i agree wit the rest lol

Mutter, "Damn, I knew I should have ignored that guy..." under your breath

PBplusJ 12

"Well my 'subpar' toothpaste was recommended by my 'subpar' dentist with a 'subpar' brain"

Ask for a new recommendation then immediately walk to another dentist and ask for a better recommendation stating the other guy has subpar ideas

What if he gave you bad toothpaste so you got a cavity and thus had to come back to him.

That's why they're recommended by dentists ;)

My father swears this is what they do so they can keep making money. But I don't know

I feel like a medical practitioner wouldn't do that/ risk it. Now I'm just assuming here but I think that could be considered malpractice. If I were them I wouldn't risk years of schooling and practice only to give bad advice that has them coming back again. My assumptions on the subject so if I'm wrong forgive me.

In my area, we have a very affordable dental office. By affordable, I mean their check up prices are incredibly low compared to the others around here. They always find cavities though; usually 6 to 17 in a single person. They almost always get caught in the lie.

well, mechanics do the same thing all the time, so it wouldn't be surprising to find out other professions have the same ideas... some people just don't care. it's not about the profession itself, but who the "professional" is

I swear that is what they do, my boyfriend who has bad dental hygiene has never got a cavity. I brush my teeth every morning and night with the occasional times I forget and I floss frequently yet I had 6 cavities as a child and 2 as an adult and I believe I have another one. I read online that you have to wait minimum 30 minutes after brushing your teeth before eating or drinking. Something my dentist neglected to tell me.

CliffyB03 28

They always say 9/10 dentists recommend a type of toothpaste but is he that 1?

thepeniswrinkler 14

A lot of Crest brand toothpaste has been recalled in the last six months (incase you didn't already know).

Maybe you have 'subpar' brushing skills

But the irony is that the dentist isn't blaming OP's brushing skills, he's blaming the toothpaste he recommended.

It's just toothpaste lol. They all work the same.

Ask if he recommends peanut paste and then bust a nut on his face.