By gotmilk? - 22/09/2015 13:41 - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, my dad was telling me some childhood stories. He mentioned I once started sucking on a cow's udder when I was 2, and I asked why didn't he stop me. His response: "You were an accident and I wasn't good at the parenting thing". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 655
You deserved it 1 840

Same thing different taste


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michaelaranda 28

I would feel good (probably laugh) if my father said that to me because it would mean that he probably trusted me enough to admit he didnt do the best job. Thats just me though, and considering op posted this on fml, he probably feels differently.

krazayman 18

Apparently, you guys have a lot in common. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Why is this an fml? A lot of kids are accidents, doesn't mean you are loved any less and not being good at parenting is common for a first born because you learn as you go along, at least I'm assuming you were a first born

Lol I don't think moving out would change the fact that he was an accident.

I was an accident too, as was my first kid, and so are probably half the firstborn children on this planet. But, as my father put it: "Unplanned, not unwelcomed." Sometimes you just don't plan what you later realize was the best possible timing.

Honestly, if thats the worst example of parenting he has he probably did a great job overall.

I don't know why you're getting downvotes.... I mean shit... at least he didn't wind the op's head up in a car window like my mom did to me when I was younger. I guess that's what I get for being stupid while she's trying to focus on the road though lol

Seems that even at 2, you couldn't resist... them xD

I kinda hoped you died plus I was too lazy to stop you so yeah you were a disappointment what else is new