By Random - 25/02/2016 22:09 - United States - Tuskegee

Today, my dad walked into my school and joked around saying that he's going to shoot my boyfriend. We all laughed. Except my boyfriend. He was sobbing in a corner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 251
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you laugh at something like that? Your country isn't exactly known for its lack of school shootings. And your boyfriend deserves better than being mocked for his reaction to a threat of bodily harm.

I'm surprised he didn't get tackled to the ground and hauled off to jail


Someone needs to shoot some sense into him if he can't realize such an obvious joke

Pretty sick joke. Plus you don't go into a school and say you're going to shoot someone, just like you don't get on a plane and say you have a bomb.

CheekyRaccoon 27

What if you said, you have a case of explosive.................... diarrhoea?

I'm surprised he didn't get tackled to the ground and hauled off to jail

He'd be in all kinds of trouble in California. Active shooter drills are no fun, especially when nobody realizes it is a joke.

Your boyfriend needs to get his balls out of your purse.

You never know when someone's joking, these days. Plus, it was an awful joke. I'd cry too, if I was in his place.

#3, the location is America. There's been recent school shootings across the U.S., so I don't blame the boyfriend. Heck, I'd be scared as **** if someone threatened to shoot me in the U.S.!!

Why the hell would you laugh at something like that? Your country isn't exactly known for its lack of school shootings. And your boyfriend deserves better than being mocked for his reaction to a threat of bodily harm.

Cheap shot, I hate it when foreigners feel the need to belittle America. I feel like foreigners mistake our nationalistic pride as us hating anyone who isn't us, which is not nearly the case for the larger majority of our nation (excluding only the idiot Trump supporters).

Actually, no. I am American and that is not a joke. Ever. It's stupid people with a lack of gun knowledge who make petty "jokes" like that.

Did your dad walk into the school just to pull that joke? Or was he giving you something/collecting you? If it's the latter, that's really weird and probably illegal that he just wondered into the school like that...

if its the latter, its really not that wierd. if its the former, on the other hand, most definitely.

Sounds like your boyfriend has a very legitimate fear and your father's joke triggered a panic attack of some sort. He needs your support, not your mockery.

Are you referring to the comment that's being downvoted for both having an awful pun and for being ridiculously insensitive? Or the top rated comment?

Am I caught in the middle of Staff infighting?

Well I'm picking the side saying that the Dad was way out of line and it is outrageous to mock the bf for being afraid. It is also possible he was crying because he thought people were laughing at him or because the father had annnounced to everyone he didn't like OP's boyfriend. It is a sick joke and even sicker to pick on someone for not finding that funny.

Um, was your dad holding a gun as he said this? What would provoke this kind of reaction from someone? If it was supposed to be a joke I can't see why your boyfriend would feel that threatened. I feel like there's more to the story or they've had a prior encounter. F the boyfriend's life.....

I'll bet if he makes a finger gun at him, he'll piss his pants.

spacefish966 18

As a cop, your father is a idiot for saying stuff like that on school property! Even as a frickin "joke".... just about as smart as saying you have a bomb on a plane...then saying jk. I guess you inherited his idiot genes too for thinking this was OK.....please make better choices.

whatunicorn 17

Why would you laugh about something like that? Especially if you see your boyfriend obviously distressed. YDI learn how to be a decent human being.

So they're not a decent human being because they laughed at a joke? Some people need to lighten up.