By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 20:07 - Canada

Today, my dad hurt his back. He went to a physical therapist who gave him some exercises to do. I have to watch him lie on his back and air hump while groaning every hour on the hour for the next two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 345
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have to watch anything u nut just leave the damn room

How is this an FML? Your dad's the one whose injured, in pain, and having to do the exercises (which he probably thinks are just as embarrassing as you do). Did it ever occur to you that the reason you need to be in the room with him is in case something goes wrong and he hurts himself worse? Back injuries, even minor ones, are not to be taken lightly. You don't have to literally watch his every move - read a friggin' book or something. "Oh my god! I have to watch my hurt father 'hump' the air for a few minutes every hour so he can regain his full mobility! My life SUUUUCKS." Grow up.


I have the face of Fred Phelps and the body of a gigantic, sentient blob of lard

Oh well he'll have a very happy wife when all is said n done.

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0
KiddNYC1O 20

WAAAHHH WAAHHHH yeah!, how do you like it now, huh!? WAAHHHh WAAHHH

KingDingALing 9

OP- He's practicing for your mom ;D

BallinJ 0

uhhhh who said you are forced to watch?

Hehe smexii. he's practicing for his next drunk victim! MWAHAHAhhahahahahahaaaa

you don't have to watch you can walk away you idiot!

I just now realized that, "therapist" is also, "the rapist". 0.o

My dad does the same thing. Only difference is that he's perfectly healthy. -jk-

dickster 0

The FML is that you can't be on top, right?

Actually, number 9, I highly doubt the OP is a young child. I even doubt they're around puberty, which would make him a hebephile. He may be an ephebephile, though. But chances are, she's just a regular adult. So it's incest. Sorry, I just hate overused and misused words like "pedo" and "stalker". And #12, maybe he has to be spotted or something. IDK.

I actually took OP to be a young high schooler. A regular adult would understand the severity of her father's situation and not be so put off by his physical therapy to call it an FML. And she probably wouldn't still be living with her father.. Ephebephile it is! OP: Quit whining, it's a FHL. And for that, YDI.

the point is... don't assume that op is young because she might not be.

dickster 0

You don't have to watch anything u nut just leave the damn room

Sounds like you're gonna have a fun time.

he's forcing you to watch? that's unfortunate

Eroe 0

Haha, that's pretty funny, but do you really HAVE to watch him? Don't you have a room or something?

brasilbabe 0

that's exactly what I thought. plus he has to do it every hour?