By crazycatlady1890 - 02/05/2019 18:00 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I finished a full marathon and just wanted to relax and get pampered by my husband afterwards. Instead, I spent the evening taking care of him and his back because he had a spasm. Don't worry, he feels much better now. Meanwhile, I can’t move my legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 756
You deserved it 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In his defense your injury probably is alot lower on the severity scale. back injuries are no joke. self imposed soreness isn't so bad.

I have to say I’m impressed. Even with a back injury, he could give it to you so good you can’t walk? Playah!


Kudos on completing the run though, OP. What charity did you raise for?

In his defense your injury probably is alot lower on the severity scale. back injuries are no joke. self imposed soreness isn't so bad.

I have to say I’m impressed. Even with a back injury, he could give it to you so good you can’t walk? Playah!

TxKitten79 10

Have you ever had a back spasm? They are terribly painful. Be proud of yourself though because your accomplishment is awesome.

I would rather run a marathon everyday for a week then deal with even a 10 second back spasm, their so painful

Mungolikecandy 19

Your pain is the result of exercise and in many respects was self-inflicted, his was a back issue which can be completely debilitating and may be a sign of a more significant issue,

I'm sitting here kinda perplexed about how other people talk about a back spasm like a singular event that puts you out of commission. My back is constantly out, my spine actively shifts back and forth when I am doing stuff day to day, and I get told to suck it up... This dude has a single spasm and it's oh no! lol

Different people have different tolerances. Just because you can manage to keep going through it doesn’t mean someone else can.

Yours is a choice his is not. Once he feels better, ask him to draw you a bath.