By hypercrite dad - 19/09/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad found out I recently tried weed. He called me a useless waste of air and grounded me for the rest of the year. Then he went outside and smoked his third cigarette of the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 127
You deserved it 15 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Razi_tail 25

It sounds like your dad is a real gem to be around. Sorry you have to deal with such critics when he isn't much better. :/

Now that's a hypocrite if I have ever seen one cigarettes do worse damage.


No offense, but if you can still be grounded, you're young as hell and you still live under his roof. Last I checked, your dad won't go to jail or be fined for smoking cigarettes. I see your point in trying to call him a hypocrite, but your argument is invalid. I'm only 22 myself and I want to tell you to move out, finance yourself, pay your own bills, and then you can smoke all the pot you want. (And before anyone starts with me, no, I'm not anti-weed. I just don't like childish arguments like this.)

ChildrenOfFilth 12

If you're young enough to be grounded, you shouldn't be smoking weed, kid.

DeltaDragonxx 20

you shouldn't of tried weed in the first place, but that's a bit of an asshole move

OP'S name made me giggle. What's a 'hypercrite'? Clearly if you can't even spell you need to experiment less and study more.

Maybe "asshole kid"? How can you judge the situation after a short FML based on the kid's point of view. Maybe OP is a 12 year old kid who fails at school and does absolutely nothing? How do you know the weed wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back? I find it funny that people always suppose that the OP is a good guy and everyone else is the bad guy.

cellycrunk 16

Cigarettes and weed are two way different things my friend.

Cigarettes are addictive but I THINK psychologically weed can be too. And he might be worried of you trying harder stuff too. Addiction can cause hell for the family members. Better not to risk it and stay away from drugs - it's not worth it I think. I drink alcohol though and that can also have a terrible effect, it can be addictive too. So I don't really know if i can make the drug argument but I really do believe that if you get addicted to it - your life, and that of your loved ones becomes a living hell

Totally agree. Cigarettes and weed are both crutches. If you abuse either one, you won't be able to function without them.

Not saying you're wrong, but only one of the two things mentioned are legal

Cigarettes just damage the lungs and may give cancer, alcohol damages the liver and can kill people and weed, just like any other non pharmacy prescribed drug, is illegal, here is the difference, 2 of the three can get others killed (second hand smoking doesn't count) and you arrested, YDI for using weed, even if it was only once, besides you are..what? 13-17? That is another reason alone why YDI