Eve of destruction

By Anonymous - 17/05/2019 16:31

Today, I learned that the landlord tenant act does not apply since I'm living in the same house as my landlord. She's making my life a living hell and breaking my things. I still have 3 months left in the contract. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 767
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smithworthy 20

Pretty sure breaking your own property is still illegal. Get the police involved

Make her life hell , get police involved, call the city make a formal complaint.


Smithworthy 20

Pretty sure breaking your own property is still illegal. Get the police involved

Make her life hell , get police involved, call the city make a formal complaint.

make her life a living hell and she cant do shit

Since the landlord tenant act doesn’t apply then is the contract really valid? Maybe you can leave now without giving the required notice from the act.

I thought I could, I can't. The landlord tennant act may not apply, but the contract is still valid, she knows exactly what she can and can't get away with, she's a lawyer.

tounces7 27

If this is in the US, The LandLord/Tenant act does, in fact, apply to renting a room in a house. No idea who told you otherwise.

ViviMage 38

Look for a new place to live or change it to a month-to-month contract. I had the same thing and she had crippling anxiety and panic attacks, and wouldn't do dishes, or pay the electric, the house was eventually foreclosed on, homeless people had more rights to the place than paying tenants, and she blamed me and my dead for five years bunny for roaches when SHE would track grape jelly footprints and pee on the floor on a daily basis. Look for a new place and get OUT of there!