By Sleepless - 05/02/2019 00:00

Today, my dad and I had to move in with my mom. There's only two tiny rooms, and my aunt lives there along with her dogs and my cat. The dogs have tried to kill my cat, I have to share the bed with my mom, who snores BAD, and I haven't slept in two days. I work early all week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 318
You deserved it 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gofuckyourself 24

Sorry to hear OP! Is there any way you could purchase a small mattress (the ones you can lay on the floor) and crash in the living room? Might not be ideal but maybe a kennel for your cat as well?

peterson_ethan 4

sometimes mommys and daddys dont get along and then they get divorced or just separate. not all of us have perfect family units.


Your father and you moved in with your mother? Shouldn't that be the default setting?

peterson_ethan 4

sometimes mommys and daddys dont get along and then they get divorced or just separate. not all of us have perfect family units.

Gofuckyourself 24

*knock knock* who's there? *mom and dad* mom and dad who? *your mom and dad who are no longer together because we decided not to be*. Not all relationships work out.

HilaryRWagner12 2

I quit my job due to rude behaviour of my boss last month.i did not have any job last month then my best friend told me about this earning system.i joined and now i am earning $75 per hour working from home ? ↓↓↓↓ Open This Web ↓↓↓↓ copy and paste copy and paste>>>>>> e­­­­a­­­­s­­­­y­­­­p­­­­r­­­­o­­­­f­­­­i­­­­t­­­­7­­­­.­­­­c­­­­o­­­­m@ do not copy word @ thanks.

annaloves 3

I am looking for sex, but do you want? Come in here >>>

Gofuckyourself 24

Sorry to hear OP! Is there any way you could purchase a small mattress (the ones you can lay on the floor) and crash in the living room? Might not be ideal but maybe a kennel for your cat as well?

EmDizzle2007 28
bl3ur0z3 17

I recently moved in with my husband's sisters while my husband is out of state for a few months taking care of their parents. It's his two sisters, two nieces, two nephews, my son, and myself in a two bedroom one bath. We gave up three dogs to do this. My son and nephews sleep in the living room. One sister in law shares a room and bed with my nieces, the other sister shares with me, though I sleep on a mattress on the floor. In the mornings, I compete at 4am with my sister in law for shower time. My son and one neice compete at 7am, my other niece and two nephews get baths at night, and I'm pretty sure the other sister in law is just taking sink baths at work.... The worst part is I can't sleep naked. I shower at the gym when all else fails.

Wait. You work? So what is keeping you from moving out of your parents respective houses? I moved out earning 50% the minimum wage, shared a place with a friend for several years, but I was out, not having to deal with family or being kept awake by snores (although, my roommate did bring around some guys who were loud enough to keep me awake for a while, but not as annoying as your situation). If you feel stuck, then re-evaluate the level of comfort/lifestyle you currently have, scale back, and move out. Toxic is toxic. Be careful

not everyone can do this. lucky for you, you could..

Have you tried sleeping at your workplace? Also, ask one of your friends to take care of your cat while you are apartment hunting. It's better than a kennel, and it's free.