By madd_dizzle - 25/10/2009 15:39 - United States

Today, my crush finally let me drive his truck for the first time in a empty parking lot, after he told me he liked me. It was so dark that I ended up driving into and pole and totaled his car. Now he hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 743
You deserved it 43 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

Did you forget the purpose of headlights? I mean come on now, people drive down dark roads without any streetlights just fine, they don't go running into poles. And if you ran into a pole because you were shocked that he liked you, then that's just pathetic


I'm pretty sure they made headlights so you wouldn't crash when it's dark out.

Did you not have your headlights on? And how freakin fast were you going that you totaled it? ydi