By Lesbian - 14/01/2017 10:00

Today, my coworker, who I hardly ever speak to, gave me a birthday present. It was an 8,000-word extremely graphic story of how he convinced a lesbian to have anal sex with him in the work bathroom. She had my name and characteristics. I'm the only lesbian he knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 160
You deserved it 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talis99 26

And now that dumbass gets fired. Inappropriate, creepy, intolerant... You definitely need to report him.


Talis99 26

And now that dumbass gets fired. Inappropriate, creepy, intolerant... You definitely need to report him.

lexiieeex3 32

Not only is that wildly inappropriate and clear sexual harassment, but it's also just extremely disrespectful. And honestly, who the **** would think that would work?

<p>I really want to know what the resolution of this situation is.</p>

Report him ASAP. Make sure to get a copy back from HR while you are reporting it, so they can't "lose" the evidence. Getting the paperwork together for a restraining order might be a good idea, because the kind of person this guy sounds like aren't known for dealing with rejection and being called out on their behavior very well.

Copy it yourself before taking it. And back it up in digital form. This screams warning sign to me.

Copy it yourself before taking it. And back it up in digital form. This screams warning sign to me.

I wonder if he used work resources (computer, printer, paper and time) to create this ****.

<p>Now you can give him the return gift of HR!</p>

Ross Geller 2

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<p>He gets zero marks for intelligence but full marks for creepiness as well as his dedication to it&nbsp; ;-)</p>

So, so creepy. Report the hell out of him. It's incredibly disturbing that he'd not only have that thought, but voice it to you AND in the form of an 8000 word story.