By soontobemurder - 03/05/2017 18:00

Today, my boss took back my week off because he wants to take a spontaneous Caribbean vacation with his wife, which is "clearly more important" than what I was going to do. I needed that time off so I could be with my Dad in hospice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 794
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. I would have flat out refused. Let your boss explain to HR (and any labor board) why his spontaneous vacation to the Caribbean was more important than approved medical leave. File a grievance. Immediately. And then take your pre-approved time off. Your boss can ******* suck it.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Report your boss to the HR, although that may be unnecessary as, according to your username, he will be dead


I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Report your boss to the HR, although that may be unnecessary as, according to your username, he will be dead

It's not illegal -- it's just shitty. The boss's most capricious whims take priority over the subordinate's crises. Yay, capitalism!

mariri9206 32

Actually, if OP were to file for FMLA leave, it's illegal for their boss to not give it and to retaliate for it in any way.

mariri9206 32

Which is exactly what OP should do. Get FMLA leave.

If the leave was approved OP can safely ignore his boss and go unless there is some sort of emergency. His boss might try to fire him for some made up other reason but you can't fire or punish someone for taking their approved leave.

FMLA doesn't apply to small businesses or businesses of a protected class. The protected class is Trump donors and this is another way America is becoming great again.

mariri9206 32

FMLA was a thing before the stupid Cheeto got elected president and does, in fact, apply to small businesses. It applies to businesses of all kinds, actually.

No. I would have flat out refused. Let your boss explain to HR (and any labor board) why his spontaneous vacation to the Caribbean was more important than approved medical leave. File a grievance. Immediately. And then take your pre-approved time off. Your boss can ******* suck it.

Report him to HR and take your vacation. If he still decides to take his during your vaction time, then report him again. You deserve to see your father.

Do not ALLOW this to happen to you. Don't let this asshole win. Take it to HR, threaten to quit your job, give him a piece of your mind, do whatever you may have to, but stand your ground. You will never forgive yourself if you don't go with your dad. I know I wouldn't even care about my job at that point. Your boss is a piece of shit. He will just keep doing this kind of crap. He can't just reschedule? What a dick.

BergerL 13
SwaggyP0517 6

oh hell no i would have called HR about that cuz that is extremely illegal

who the hell would hit the "you deserved it" button when u wanted the time off as ur dad was in hospice ? thats just mean and cruel! #yourbossisanass

nmcferrin 2

Your job is never more important that your dad's life. Don't go to work. Be with your father. We only have one life, and it's short, we need to make the right decision in these situations. Which is to screw your job and your asshole boss and go be with your family.

Isa_fml 20

That's a lovely sentiment, but for some people losing their job means homelessness or starvation for them and their family. Not everyone has savings for cases like this. Not everyone can afford it.

And her job may be helping to pay for her dad's care.