By mackenzie_cain - 14/01/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI. In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out. On the way to the jail I was stopped for running a red light. I soon joined my boyfriend in jail with my very own DUI charge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 436
You deserved it 65 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dont think "hey... he just got thrown in jail for drinking and driving, so maybe i should call a cab or maybe not speed or do something stupid to get pulled over since i am drunk and am going to drive"? YDI for being a moron


empathy08 0

so stop getting ****** up and driving? why do people have to be so irresponsible?

Likely, you won't read this but I will tell you a true story. My mom was driving through a green light and was smoked in the engine by a drunk guy running the red. She lived (luckily, had it happened a fraction of a second later she would have died). He was in a rush apparently, as he was driving so fast that the impact flipped his car over. So seriously, selfish bastards like you who have no regard for other people on the road deserve FAR worse than what you got. You should be grateful someone caught you before you hurt some innocent driver or bystander. Biggest YDI I have ever read on this site. I stand by my opinion that ANYONE with a DUI should have to visit a morgue to see what DUIs can result in. (I realized she didn't hurt anyone in this post, but drunk driving AND running a red? It was only a matter of time before she really ****** someone else's life.)

ghengisghan 0

REAL, Ive seen it many times where someone comes to the jail intoxicated,stoned or with active warrants to bail out their bf,gf,kid, parent or buddy....You cant fix stupid.

Also, there's absolutely NO reason to rush in this instance. They do NOT let a drunk person out of jail until they have sobered up. There is definitely a set time before the person is released. The OP getting there quickly would have made NO difference. Even if the person was released quickly, they still have to be processed out. I had to do something like this for a friend (he was driving on a suspended license). Luckily it wasn't for drinking and driving, but it still took HOURS to get him out. That was dealing with a bail bondsman and having him processed out took a couple hours AFTER I had already gone to the bail bondsman and signed all the paperwork. Luckily I'm not a big drinker, because this was after a night of drinking and I was the only sober one that COULD go pick him up. There's just no way in hell the person could have gotten out so quickly that it warranted driving under the influence to go pick him up.

I already posted this a ways up, but my brother got a DUI and the police drove him straight home. He served one night in jail a month later. I'm not sure if the penalties vary by state or situation, but that's what happened to him.

mshafty 0

Aww there is nothing like dumb drunk love!!

You guys sound perfect for one another. Please don't have children.

boatkicker 4

YDI, but in a way this makes me angry, because it reminds me of something even more obnoxious. One of my neighbors, a 88 year old alcoholic, untreated paranoid-schizophrenic, who has never had a license in her entire life, drove down my street smashing 8 mailboxes on both sides of the street, got up to the store, totaled a parked car in the lot. My neighbor managed to convince the cops not to fine her because she's just 'a poor old lady with a mental condition, and it's discriminating against paranoid schizophrenics if the arrest her or fine her' and somehow the cops bought that. Not only did they not fine her, but the talked the woman whose car was totaled out of suing for repairs, and tried to talk all my neighbors out of their mailbox damages. They didn't even take her car away, and I'm pretty sure that in Massachusetts its Illegal to own a car when you don't have a license (might be wrong on that though) and its definitely illegal to drive an unregistered, uninsured car, when you don't have a license. The fact that OP got arrested for DUI running a red light, and the fact that my neighbor DIDN'T get arrested for smashing mailboxes and cars while drunk and driving w/o a license in an unregistered/uninsured vehicle makes me really pissed. She should have gotten the same punishment that anyone else would have.

ahhh, life in a small new england town, I can't wait to bust outta here.

I'm gonna add to the long list of YDIs. Be glad you didn't hurt someone, think of having that on your conscience for the rest of your life; or would you even care? I doubt it, if you were dumb enough to think this was a valid FML and that people were gonna feel bad for you. Well we do feel bad for you on one account... we feel bad you are really this STUPID. DON'T drink and drive... you are truly a selfish person... "oh FML... I got put in jail because of my own stupidity and endangered other people's lives... wah..." like I said be glad this isn't someone else's FML... "today, my mom got killed by some drunk driver who ran a red light FML." that's a REAL FML.

flemhead 0