By handlin - 14/01/2010 06:45 - Mexico

Today, after 8 years, I confessed one of my best friends I've been in love with him since we were kiddies. His answer was "Don't worry, I won't stop talking to you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 990
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's naive to think he's suddenly also in love with you... You got away pretty good with that reaction actually..

Salavis 0

well be glad he didn't hate you for it, I've seen that happen


Salavis 0

well be glad he didn't hate you for it, I've seen that happen

gender says woman don't think she is gay but YDI for waiting 8 years....

wow! so erm.... women who love men are gay now? that's new... are you so idiotic and judgemental you assume that OP is a man, even though it clearly states (woman)

60: You repeated the same 'argument' about three times.

# 60 Are you seriously that ignorant and stupid? People like you are the reason that there are hate crimes and why gay people are sometimes afraid for their lives. And seriously comparing gay people to Hitler ( who I am pretty sure was straight) Hitler was responsible for mass genocide, last time I checked there wasn't a mass genocide of that level committed by a gay person. You are a homophobe and you are just wasting air that other people who are worthy of it need to breathe. I honestly think that ou are a sad waste of a human being!!!! (oh and the op is a female!!!) oh and just to get on your nerves I am watching the musical rent.

At least he knows now, but it's a little to late.

neverminddd 0

Trust me it could have been worse.

Yeah it really could have been worse! My former "close friend" said she couldn't be friends with me anymore and has refused to have anything to do with me since. It was really, really awful. All I wanted was to tell her, I didn't expect anything to come of it. At least he's still your friend and you have had the chance to express your feelings. Good luck in future. Hope you find someone else.

It's naive to think he's suddenly also in love with you... You got away pretty good with that reaction actually..

I think it's understandably hopeful for the OP to think after 8 years he might love her back. "suddenly?" it's not like she sprung this on him after a month long friendship

theblazian 0

A month long friendship would be better actually..... atleast then she wouldn't have spent 8 years of her life loving a dude but never telling him in hopes that one day her passive actions would make him fall in love with her.

Well maybe if you werent ugly you would be hooking up right now so ydi

jts2 3

i want to train the troll. troll, sit! stay and i will give you a cookie cake. :)

* sits down and tilts head to the side* cookie now? please

FYMcNuggetts 0

as cookie flies through the air, I snatch it from the troll and huddle in the corner nibbling on it. my daddy starves me

wow you sure know when to drop bombs. i'd say you should be happy that he's not mad

He maybe just hints you that there's a probability!

I would say the friend's response is not hinting at further interest. Hopefully he comes out and tells her exactly how he feels so there isn't future miscommunication between them... especially if he really wants to continue being friends...