By haggisbowl - 14/01/2012 06:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend stated that we should play a game where one person asks the other a question, and they answer it with a picture. I thought it sounded fun so I said yes. His first question was, "Do you shave your vagina?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 100
You deserved it 9 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ant2590 6

So I'm guessing the game ended there

JustOhSoLovely 6

Really?... You didn't see that one coming?


Be clever! Answer it with a picture of a bald man or a guy with an afro, depending on the answer!!

Should have taken a picture of hardwood floors or a bush. Or as I like a hardwood floor with an area rug.

So take a picture of razor if you do and one of a bush if you don't! Be funny and creative instead of offended.

beebeeL 1
randayallday 0

It's "sketch" because she didn't want to send her boyfriend a picture of her ******?

I'm suprised nobody has said "Pics or it didn't happen". . .

I would have replied with a picture of a thumbs up, c; Very sneaky c;

perdix 29

If the answer is yes, send him a picture of a Sphynx cat. If no, Barbara Bush.