By anon - 18/01/2012 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend referred to his penis as 'The Eye of Sauron'. It didn't help when he pulled down his foreskin, pointed it in my direction and said 'I see you'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 557
You deserved it 5 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This really doesn't seem as bad when you don't misread boyfriend as brother. Like I did.


SlipStream93 2

Who dates someone that still has their foreskin? :s

So, if you weren't circumcised, you're out of the pussy game for good? That's so stupid.

Kenton1008 21

All men have foreskin, doctors just cut off some of it so the penis doesn't look seriously deformed.

confettifarts 4

I'm engaged to one. I find it quite unnecessary to have it cut off this day and age. It was mostly done for cleanliness way back when. Now it's done for religious purposes mostly. If I have sons, they're keeping their skin.

^ I have two sons, neither of which are circumcised, just like myself. And my wife enjoys my penis just the way it is. Tmi perhaps, but true.

If you had asked me two years ago if I would have my son circumcised It would have been an automatic yes. It's just the norm and most people don't put much thought into it. I've heard so many stories of botched circumcision and after having seen one (not trying to give out too much info, sorry of I gross you out) but there really is nothing dirty or gross about it. I can't imagine putting my children through something so painful and unnessessary.

Oh shit, his penis is the eye of saoron and your ****** is mordor. So you can just tell him "one does not simply enter mordor" and then just like not have sex with him perfect plan :0

Carlietaz 1

That's funny. Throw a ring on it and see how he likes it.

Everyone knows that uncircumcised people are filthy.

Everybody knows that circumcised people are just upset that they dont have an option for foreskin. Its the same as a circumcised one and they get the added bonus of being able to retract it. And they are only dirty if the person doesnt understand showers.

^ The showers go for anyone's junk, male or female. I don't care if your cut, uncut or pierced: If you don't wash it, it is dirty. Can you say Dick-Cheese? Ick. :p

^ *Face slap* You're, not Your. Stupid monkey..... :p (Self correcting. Bleh.)

Wow!!!!! I would dump him for flat out immaturity

Well that shows where his brain is...