By disapointed girl - 28/12/2009 16:58 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a month and I had sex for the first time. We started in the shower and then moved to his bedroom. He then feel asleep when I was on top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 995
You deserved it 5 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its not really his fault. after guys cum they can get real tired. Has to do with testosterone... i think. I get tired after sex cuz of cumming all the time. really its not his fault. and for all of u who are saying that she's bad.... shut up. xoxo Perdix tell me if im right.


perdix 29

He was exhausted trying to get his pencil dick to hit one of the sides of your enormous, stretched-out ******.

@anqie you're just a little ****. you posted that "joke" thinking it would make you sound cool, but right as one or two people said your a ***** you got all defensive and tried to convince everyone here that it is not true and never happened. you are acting like "oh so nobody thinks that's cool? well psshhh then I never did that..haha you think I would actually do that? gross..." shut the **** up you fake bitch. enough said.

psychoxxxinvader 3

didn't think an education consisted of using a q instead of a g. you must be one of those girls who typesz lyk disz

minenotyours 0

OP that's when you do something kinky like bite his neck or lick his chest to wake him up and be all cute about him falling asleep :)

dumdeedum 0
brightbug 0

??? what the heck just happened? comments always get so huge and messed up on here :) and the fake beeotchhh who's the joker needs to shut up cuz nobody cares about her. we aren't talkin bout u sweetie, so HUSH UP. jeez. and don't use craptrap in the same sentence as religion ;) not kind. hah these comments aren't as bad as the ones that debate the importane of animal and human lives though :D