By disapointed girl - 28/12/2009 16:58 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a month and I had sex for the first time. We started in the shower and then moved to his bedroom. He then feel asleep when I was on top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 995
You deserved it 5 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its not really his fault. after guys cum they can get real tired. Has to do with testosterone... i think. I get tired after sex cuz of cumming all the time. really its not his fault. and for all of u who are saying that she's bad.... shut up. xoxo Perdix tell me if im right.


sheridandy 0

maybe if you weren't such a ***** that wouldn't have happened you dumb bitch.

Mx_Rider 6

anqie u dumb bitch shut up, you suck go run into a knife ****.

thinmint 0

WTF anquie? why so defensive? and where did you learn English bc I definately want to avoid sending my child there

wow... after a month? that's kinda slutty I have been with my bf for 9 months and still haven't had sex with him. it amazes how us teenagers act, and by "us" I'm including me.

For everyone whose picking on anquie..... stfu she was jusx joking(we hope) even if she wasnt its her own dayum life, why does it got to bother any of you? @ anquie ummm try some better yessss im a peace maker!!!

@butterflyhearts : uhm you are not helping anything..don't get excited @anqie : why would you post such a dumb "joke" and then get so defensive about it when someone calls you out about it saying your a dumb *****..? did you really think "joking" about being alittle **** at age 11 wouldn't get a negative response?

XaosZaleski 0

@36 It's 'grammar' not 'grammer' If you're going to accuse someone of bad grammar, make sure you have the academics to back it up.

thinmint 0

well damn my Texas twang getting in the way of me spelling correctly :( anyways I don't think sleeping with someone quickly makes one a ****. sleeping around with multiple partners at one time is being a ****. I slept with my boyfriend after a month of dating and we are working on our 5th year. so really I'd say it's a matter if connecting and if it's there then it's there...


you should have tried something "special" for that first time