By disgusted - 13/12/2015 07:45 - United States - Logan

Today, I confessed to my coworker that I'm interested in her romantically. She turned me down, saying that I'm a great guy, but that she basically doesn't want mixed-race children. She said she isn't racist, though, so I guess it's all okay, right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 909
You deserved it 3 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's a little full of herself isn't she? Who the hell said you wanted to have kids with her anyway?

Meanwhile, the melting pot continues to melt, and her genes are kept out of it another day. So there's an upside to this.


We're all human. That's like a Siamese cat not wanting to hook up with a tabby because of the fur.

nonsensical 26

It's super cliché and annoying but... you dodged a bullet. And mixed race babies are beautiful!

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

I can confirm that. I have two beautiful mixed race kids ☺️

Meanwhile, the melting pot continues to melt, and her genes are kept out of it another day. So there's an upside to this.

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Preferences concern what we find attractive, not children we might or might not have. And even if it's a preference things, it's always kindest to say "I'm just not attracted to you".

I think he was referring to her preferences of children. Some people might not want children of mixed race and they're entitled to that opinion. Also, it isn't really racist if she doesn't want her children to look a certain way. They are, after all, her children

@#35- Good to see at least someone gets it. Nice of you to try to explain it to her, but she won't get it, no matter how hard you try. Our society today is unfortunately full of spineless hypocrites.

You can't choose how your children look, I get having a preference with who you date, but in terms of children, I think that is more tricky. Although I suppose you are correct in that you can partially determine their skin colour depending no who you sleep with.

RedPillSucks 31

That's a touchy one. She's certainly allowed to have a preference on who she dates without being racist, but the way she phrased the rejection was both presumptuous (OP may not have wanted kids) and racist.

She's a little full of herself isn't she? Who the hell said you wanted to have kids with her anyway?

Emma Marshall 19

Well he's interested in her romantically, which means they would get married if things went well and married people usually have kids....

At least she was honest OP, imagine her saying this after a couple of years.. better you know now!

You would be better without someone like that who is as shallow as her

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It's funny how everyone down votes me. I hope when you all turn down someone you find unattractive, all your friends blast you for having a preference.

FeferiZ 12

But she didn't turn him down because he unattractive she turned him down because of his race -_-

There's a difference between saying I prefer dating another race and saying I don't want to date you because you're not that race.

@#20- I feel your pain. I said something similar a bit before you, and I think my comment's the only one that's been buried so far. People don't understand that having a preference and racism aren't exactly the same thing. Having a preference is a natural thing EVERYONE has. Unfortunately, our society today is full of spineless hypocrites. No matter how hard you try to explain that, they'll never understand it.

I think it's because you keep adding in "spineless hypocrite". If you smell shit wherever you go, maybe it's you.