By Forgotten One - 15/10/2009 11:11 - France

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years decided to start an online blog about his life. He mentioned his cars, his friends and even his staff. I was never mentioned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 889
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean this is day one of the blog? And your ego won't put up with the fact that he hasn't mentioned you yet? And now you're even already whining about it on FML? It might just be a coincidence (like he hasn't gotten to it yet or can't sum it up), but on the other hand, I might see other reasons why he hasn't mentioned you yet... like what might have prompted this FML for one.

get over yourself, so he wants an escape from your relationship. big deal...


he could just be writing about "guy" stuff in his blog. it's okay to have some separate activities.

Let him know that you feel bad about this. It really isnt fair of him not to mention u. (if he wont respond nice u should scratch his car)

xMegan96 0

hahaha reading fmls make me appreciate my life more .

"I should be the subject of everything. Why am i not?".stfu OP..

Maybe he does not want to publish his personal and emotional life in his blog. Maybe when you get married he might publish about it :)

He's just protecting you from weirdos. Relax.

Hakuna ya tattas, if this is an everyday blog then he probably just hasn't been able to get to you yet. You sound really clingy by posting this on FML already.

I was mentioned on my x-bf's blog. he said I sucked ;c

He could just be respecting your privacy.