By Forgotten One - 15/10/2009 11:11 - France

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years decided to start an online blog about his life. He mentioned his cars, his friends and even his staff. I was never mentioned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 889
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean this is day one of the blog? And your ego won't put up with the fact that he hasn't mentioned you yet? And now you're even already whining about it on FML? It might just be a coincidence (like he hasn't gotten to it yet or can't sum it up), but on the other hand, I might see other reasons why he hasn't mentioned you yet... like what might have prompted this FML for one.

get over yourself, so he wants an escape from your relationship. big deal...



noshitsherlock 0

HAHAHHA YOU DESERVE IT. So then YOU go "online" and complain instead of talking to him? hahahahahah

Better than him blogging about absolutely everything you do, and complaining about you. It's your relationship, not the internets. Either he shares my view, or, well... he just doesn't care enough ;P

Well, I'd say something but the other... twenty so people already said it. Get over it, sweets.

I can actually empathize with the OP. Something similar happened to me a few years back. I was in a serious relationship with a guy for a few months, and after two months I found out about his blog that he'd been writing in 2 or 3 times a week the entire time we were together, yet he had never mentioned me once. I was pissed. I can completely understand how the OP feels, it's a terrible feeling. It's like the boyfriend doesn't care about her or think she's worth mentioning. Or possibly ashamed of her. For example, my ex said "i got an mp3 player for christmas" but didn't say that it was ME that gave it to him. What would his reason be for not mentioning me? I think this is the kind of thing the OP means. Anyway, I think this is an FML, so I'm sorry to hear it OP.

I wouldn't be so harsh on the OP. I can actually empathize with the OP. Something similar happened to me a few years back. I was in a serious relationship with a guy for a few months, and after two months I found out about his blog that he'd been writing in 2 or 3 times a week the entire time we were together, yet he had never mentioned me once. I was pissed. I can completely understand how the OP feels, it's a terrible feeling. It's like the boyfriend doesn't care about her or think she's worth mentioning. Or possibly ashamed of her. For example, my ex said "i got an mp3 player for christmas" but didn't say that it was ME that gave it to him. What would his reason be for not mentioning me? I think this is the kind of thing the OP means. Anyway, I think this is an FML, so I'm sorry to hear it OP.

Veritas143 0

Well aren't you needy? It's not like he was sitting there complaing about you! Why the heck would that mean he didn't care about you? It's a blog it doesn't mean shit. It's not like you bumped into some of his closest friends and they'd never even heard about you! The MP3 player thing I can kind of see but thats not something to be pissed over..he just doesnt want to bring his personal relationship on his blog thats all.. And I completely understand that..i always hated it when my ex would tell everyone if we were fighting at the time or w/e because it's not anyone elses business

Dude, the OP is with the guy for 4 years, but you expect to be mentioned when you've been in the relationship for less than 6 months? :/

Veritas143 0

OP, would you like me to call the waaahmbulance?

hbgoddard 0

Hey, he might have been writing a whole page on you as you submitted this FML.

He could have just been respecting your privacy.

Jesus. After reading 100 FMLs from girls whining about what their boyfriends said about them online, he's probably doing you a favor.