By skidoosh - 14/07/2011 01:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years still refuses to memorize my phone number or remember my birthday because he says there is a limited amount of space in his brain and he does not want to push any important information out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 270
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget where his **** is located. You've only got so much space in your brain. You've got to forget about all the small, insignificant things.

chefinheels88 5

His brain must be super tiny


greengirl1 0

he sound like a retard... I'm a guy and I know lots of stuff about my girlfriend

if he doesnt memorize your nr then he doesnt dial it enough.

Or he has it saved on his phone like most people do and therefore does not need to memorise it! I know my cell phone number because I've had the same number for 13 years, I don't know my home phone number though. My b/f doesn't know my number and I don't know his. Not knowing someone's number isn't a big deal. Not knowing their birthday.. that's a problem..

WallyTheWombat 0

You should still make it a priority to memorize a few numbers incase of an emergency. If you get into a car accident and your phone breaks in the process ... it's a bad example but you get my point.

You're right, that is a bad example. Shock could prevent you recalling the numbers/ you might be unconscious. Even worse example for me since I don't drive so I'd be the pedestrian/cyclist the car just hit :p I keep emergency contacts in my wallet on my organ donor card..

Gruv3r14 1

the human brain can memorize up to 8TB. WTF is this guy remembering?

Dooberstl2004 3

Actually the human brain can hold closer to 2.5 petabytes (1 million gigabytes) of information. To put that in prospective, if you were going to use all that space up watching TV you would have to watch TV non-stop for 300 years.

Buy a large memory card and shove it up his ass, tell him his memory has been upgraded.

soulfulemo 0

she shouldn't pleasure him like that

Jazzalyn 10

I wouldn't be bothered about him not knowing your phone number by memory, but a birthday is a different thing. I mean, if I had a boyfriend, I don't think I'd care if he didn't know my number by memory. I probably wouldn't bothered memorising his either (it'd just be in my phone). I mean, I don't even know the number (well, mobile number) of one of my closest friends by memory. Still...I'd probably be more worried about the reason he gave, rather than his refusal to memorise this stuff...

22cute 17

He's right!! That's why Einstein never memorized his own address. So tell him to get a cell phone with a calendar & keep your info there.