By skidoosh - 14/07/2011 01:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years still refuses to memorize my phone number or remember my birthday because he says there is a limited amount of space in his brain and he does not want to push any important information out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 271
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget where his **** is located. You've only got so much space in your brain. You've got to forget about all the small, insignificant things.

chefinheels88 5

His brain must be super tiny


rubberduckie72 4

i dont know any of my families phone numbers. sad but true cell phones have made us all think memorization is useless. about the birthday, if he is a good natured guy do what my husband did to me until i could remember oyr wedding anniversary. randomly ask him out of the blue but do it when you are both in a good mood and dont get mad at him when he cant come up with it. really about once or twice a month will do. now we are working on how many years we have been married. thats harder cause it changes every year. but keep it light. he will rember your birthday eventually if u stay together long enough

rubyliu8420 7

Ydi for staying with the douche.

What a dork! You should suddenly stop calling him and when he asks why say that you for got his number and don't want to memorize it in case his theory is correct.

Been with my girlfriend for 2.5 years and don't know either of those things.