By nacho - 24/01/2012 06:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend met my dad for the first time. The first thing he said to him was, "You're an idiot for dating my daughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 072
You deserved it 4 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My dad pretty much said the same thing.. But said get out while you can.. I'm sure your dad was just mucking around.. My boyfriend freaked out when my dad said it.. But 3 years later and we are still together :)

Damn Alan, I'd love to meet you. Sadly, I'm in Canada. :(


Alan ahh how exciting! Unfortunately I live in South Carolina :( OP- perfect chance for your boyfriend to prove himself to your parents (:

That is the last boyfriend he will ever meet

Bro code. Your dad sounds like such an asshole.

The one time I wish I didn't live in Canada..

Nope, tell him FHS for having a daughter like her.

Ah, parents...destroying their children's self-esteem one painful, thoughtless insult at a time.

my dad said "well she's your problem now" when my husband asked to marry me. I feel your pain OP.

ByronJess 17

He probably means it the way my dad would. "You're an idiot for dating my daughter because if you hurt her, you have to answer to me." There's a lot to be said for unspoken words.

It's always good! I don't trust the eggs, no offense McDonalds worker