By Username - 10/08/2011 12:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend leaned over and sniffed me like a dog. He does this almost every day, even in front of people sometimes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 541
You deserved it 7 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TaylorTotsYumm 10

So, if he's a dog, you're his bitch.

saIty 17

Later, as he gets more comfortable, he'll pee on you to mark you as his.


bleepbloopthis 0

I actually do the same thing. Not in public, though.

cherry72 13

Hey I admit I smell my husband when he gets off work he smells really good when he works all day... Its a combination of his deodorant, pheromones & sweat that drives me crazy or maybe I am just crazy lol. Idc my hubby smells sexy hot when he comes home yum!

Exactly. I smell my fiancé all the time. Her natural smell is lovely. It just brings me to this place where all I can think of is her.

kgalgina 1

It's funny. My boyfriend does this to me all the time. I see nothing wrong with it, in fact, it's kind of really cute. I appreciate and love him for who he is. If he wants to sniff me like a dog, he is more than welcome. I may even do it back. I see no 'fml' in this situation at all. It makes my life more interesting, more different than other people. Think I'm weird, obviously I don't care.

I do this with my fiancée... she smells great, and to me is a term of endearment. If she didn't like me doing that, I wouldn't, but she also appreciates me for who and what I am

I sympathize. I have had to tell my boyfriend not to sniff my hair in public for awhile now.

Uhmmm.. Ever occur to you to ask him why ? xD

gynoid 0

Lean over lovingly and lick his cheek.

VoodooPriestess 16

I have a friend who once sniffed a jacet and then found the person it belonged to. She said everyone has their own scent and some is really nice to smell. I don't get but some people will.

Maybe it's time to break it off before he thinks you're a fire hydrant...