By blackberrybummer - 25/07/2010 05:57 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided he would do his job while I did my "job" on top of him. He whips out his Blackberry and completely ignores me to send e-mails to co-workers reminding them about the 10 a.m. meeting scheduled for the next morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 073
You deserved it 5 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol! this man can multitask. normal mortals would be impressed

ArtIsResistance7 1

Lol at #1. 2 fails. Pfft, yeaaah right. That's the excuse he uses to take pictures of you for his work buddies.


If he can multitask, then so can you. Next time, make him a nice sammich while you're on top "doing your job".

Well, the BF sounds like an arrogant asshole. Kinda makes you wonder why OP goes out with him; has sex with him; talks to him...?

transcedental 18

yeah, he does sounds like an ass :) just leave - problem solved

DeeBee629 0

you must not be too good haha

RedPillSucks 31

And women say men can't multitask.... Next time, jam your finger up his ass and twiddle the knob until you get his attention. You might also want to check to see if those "emails" he sent had pictures of you "doing your job". Just sayin'

sheribb 5

damn why put up with that shit?

asylumelissa 0

Sounds to me like you need to get a new boyfriend!

If you stay with guy who treats you like an object, you deserve him. Either woman up and leave him or sit back and realize that people truly only treat you as badly as you let them.