By screwed - 30/10/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called and asked me why I love him. I told him because he's always there for me and continues to put up with my bipolar disorder. He promptly said "not anymore" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 008
You deserved it 5 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that's not the definition of a douche, I don't know what is.

perdix 29

Your manic side deserves better than that jerk, but he was out of you depressive side's league.


that was almost the cutest thing ever.. oops.

He's an ass. Sorry op :( even though this was posted awhile ago.

I very recently had to end a relationship with a girl who had pretty serious mental health problems too. But there are ways to do it. OP you deserve much better than the way he treated you, no one deserves that. I hope you find someone who can support you with your problems, as I hope my ex does too