By notyourmom - 11/06/2013 12:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my boyfriend asked if I could grow out my pubic hair since I usually wax it. He said his mom has a full bush and he always thought it looks better that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 852
You deserved it 7 752

Same thing different taste


Well. You know you need a new boyfriend when..

hannahsnyder69 16

Just bail. This is the biggest turn off.

Looks like you're in a hairy situation. The choices you make are only yours to make and i would suggest, run! FYL.

Why would he check out his mom's intimate zone? And your name fits...

qbCasey 11

too freaking weird. I'd run and run fast

Nation of prudes...if his mom had a FULL on bush he would've never seen his mom's hoo-hah. It's not weird to see your parents naked. Lil awkward to tell your girlfriend you want her a certain way because of your mom, yes. Creepy and grounds to leave her boyfriend? Not especially. Not horribly distant from him saying he likes red hair because his mom had red hair or he likes a certain body type because his mom was that shape. Come on folks. Don't take everything to the gutter. I'm sure OP's boyfriend had a reasonable explanation but OP made a good FML without further explaining anything. Give the guy a break. OP, don't leave him if you love him cause he said something a lil awkward. Try growing it out. See if it helps your relationship. €.€